Best if you use many different computers to check your email
Your mail is always on the server
You are limited by your mailbox size quota for how many messages you keep, although you can archive old messages and save them onto your computer manually.
New message headers are downloaded so you see all your mail faster, the message you want to read is not downloaded to your computer until you click on it.
POP3 stands for Post Office Protocol
Best if you use only one computer to check email
Downloads your email to the particular computer you are checking it on
Allows you to keep a large backlog of email messages only limited by the size of your computer.
New messages are downloaded in their entirety, you have to wait for the message to download.
You need to understand what is POP and IMAP, then decide which one you want to use for setting.
Step 1: Open Thunderbird.
Step 2: Type the information into designated field.
Your Full Name: Your Name
Email Address: Your Email Address
Password: Your Email Address Password
Step 3: Click Configure Manually
Step 4: Type in the information following by refering to the PDF that have been sent to your company Master Email (Email Setting Section)
Step 5: Click Re-test
Step 6: You will be able to view the pop out shows that the setting is correct.
Step 7: Click Done.
Step 8: Click Finish.
Step 9: You will be able to use the email now. Start by sending a test mail to yourself.
For any inquiries or if you encounter any issues, please feel free to reach out to us via email at or through WhatsApp at 010-799 1461 (David).