Section 1: Introduction
Displaying Google reviews on your website can enhance your website's search engine optimization (SEO). User-generated content like reviews can improve your website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and potentially increase organic traffic.
Besides, positive reviews from real customers act as social proof, reassuring potential customers about the quality of your products or services. When visitors see positive reviews on your website, they're more likely to trust your business.
Section 2: How to Retrieve Your Google Review
Step 1: Search "Google Reviews" in the search menu at the top of NMS or
Go to NMS side menu > Manage > Google Reviews
Step 2: Click "Sign in with Google"
Step 3: Fill in the email address or phone that was used to register the Google account.
Step 4: Click "Next"
Step 5: Enter your password
Step 6: Click "Next"
Step 7: Click "Continue"
For single Google account will be like this
If you have multiple Google accounts, you can choose any one of them to display on the website.
If you have multiple Google accounts and locations, you can choose any one of them to display on the website.
If you wish to revoke access to your Google Reviews, simply click on "Revoke Google Token" to remove it. Once done, you will no longer have access to retrieve your Google reviews unless you sign in again.
Section 3: How to Filter Your Google Review on Your Website
You can check the overall ratings and each star rating of your Google Account on the right-hand side.
You can choose to display the selected star rating on your website by ticking the star rating that you wish to show. Once done, remember to click the "Filter" button.
Turn on the "Google Translate" button if you wish to display the Google Review translated by Google. Once turned on, remember to click the "Filter" button. If you don't want to show the Google Review translated by Google can turn it off and click the "Fiter" button.
Sometimes, users only provide a star rating without any review. You can choose to hide those empty reviews by turning on the "Hide empty review" button. Once done, remember to click the "Filter" button.
You can also specify a numerical limit to control the number of reviews displayed on the website. Once done, remember to click the "Filter" button.
If you did not set a review limit, the website will display a maximum of 30 reviews. Visitors can click on "View More on Google" to see other reviews on Google.
You can also check your Google Reviews at the bottom of the Google Reviews page. You can sort the reviews by newest, highest rating, and lowest rating. Additionally, you can search by name of reviewer or keywords using the search bar, and press enter to initiate the search.
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