1. Email Accounts: Here, you'll find a list of all email accounts created under your domain.
2. Usage: This section displays the usage statistics for each email account.
3. Forward: Any email forwarding settings you've configured will be displayed here.
4. Actions: From this menu, you can manage email forwarding, adjust quotas, change passwords, and delete email accounts as needed.
Step 1: Click Forward.
Step 2: You may type/ copy & paste the email address you want to auto forward the email to.
For example, you edit the forward for Email Address A and insert the Email Address B at the field of Forward to.
Whatever email received by Email Address A, it will forward a copy of email from Email Address A to Email Address B.
So Email Address B will received exactly same email as Email Address A.
Step 3: Click Update.
Step 1: Click Quota.
Step 2: You can set the quota of each email address.
All the quota was count in MB, 1GB = 1024MB, 2GB = 2x1024MB = 2048MB, if you set to 0MB, means it will be unlimited quota for that email address to received the email.
But its still limited to the Total Email Usage of your domain.
Means that if your domain email have total of 5GB, and each email address you set to unlimited quota, all the email address will received the email until 5GB is full already.
Step 3: Click Update.
Step 1: Click Password.
Step 2: Type New Password.
A stong password is very important to maintain security. Web servers are usually more powerful and have access to greater bandwidth than your personal computer, which makes them a prime target for password crackers.
Add UPPER CASE letters, numbers, and symbol characters to increase the strength of your password.
Step 3: Verify Password. (The same password you type at Step 2)
Step 4: Click Change Password.
Step 5: You may go to mail."Your Domain" and login the email address with the new password you just changed.
A gentle reminder that the opeation cannot be undone if you deleted the email account.
Step 1: Click Delete.
Step 2: Tick "Yes, delete the email account".
Step 3: Click Delete.
Add Mail User
Step 1: Click Add Mail User.
Step 2: Username: The domain already show up at behind, you just need to fill in the information at infront. For example, testing@example.com.my
Step 3: Password: Type the password for that email account.
Step 4: Confirm Password: Confirm the password for that email account.
Step 5: Quota : All the quota was count in MB, 1GB = 1024MB, 2GB = 2x1024MB = 2048MB, if you set to 0MB, means it will be unlimited quota for that email address to received the email.
Step 6: Click Create Account.
Step 7: Go to mail."Your Domain" and try to login the new created email.
Step 1: Click Webmail and you will be redirect to the correct page of your mail."Your Domain".
For any inquiries or if you encounter any issues, please feel free to reach out to us via email at support@newpages.com.my or through WhatsApp at 010-799 1461 (David).
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